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Spring is swarm season so the beekeeper will need to closely monitor their hives for an increase in drone cells, queen cups (swarm cells) and overcrowding. On the first warm day (over 60 degrees), inspect the hive to determine where the queen is laying. If the brood is COMPLETELY in the top deep and the lower deep is empty, rotate the hive bodies. This will allow the queen to move up in the hive as she continues to lay. Other tasks to consider are:

  • Add a pollen patty between hive bodes to stimulate the queen to lay eggs.

  • Feed a few quarts of 1:1 sugar syrup with Honey-B-Healthy or a similar additive.

  • Assess the hive strength. Note: If a strong hive has filled both deeps, add a super

  • Check weekly to see if additional supers are needed

  • Ensure new hives are painted and ready for Spring packages!

February 1


April 1
