Queens, Packages, and Nucs

Honey and the Hive

Local Supplier

Honey and the Hive is a mobile beekeeping supply company in the greater Richmond, VA area.  We are a distributor of quality beekeeping supplies and custom woodenware, such as quilt boxes, candy boards, long langs, top bar hives and more.


Offering: packages; 5 frame medium and 5 frame deep nucs; mated queens; hybrid/local survivor honey bee stock

Scottsville Supply Co.

Local Supplier

The Scottsville Supply Co. is a small, locally-owned bee supply and gift store. We are a supplier of beekeeping supplies, education, and bees for backyard beekeepers. We can help you start your first hive or grow your apiary!

Offering: packages and deep nucs

Evan’s Honey Company

Local Supplier

Based in Powhatan County, we provide nucs, queens, and honey for sale. Our bees are carefully selected for their hardiness, gentle temperament, and exceptional honey production.

Offering: 5 frame medium and 5 frame deep nucs; mated queens; Carniolan / Italian Hybrid / Corey Stevens Italian VSH bee stock

ZoSo Acres

Local Supplier

Located in Powhatan County, we provide nucleus colonies (nucs), full colonies, mated queens, and honey for sale.

Offering: 5 frame medium nucs and 5 frame deep nucs; mated queens; VP Queen genetics Pol-line and Hybrid/Local Survivor bee stock

Blue Lotus Farm Apiary

Local Supplier

Located in Powhatan County.

Offering: 5 frame medium and 5 frame deep nucs; mated queens; and VSH bees from John Harbo and VP Queen genetics Pol-line and Spartan

Donovan’s Honey Hill

Local Supplier

Located in Maidens, Va we provide locally overwintered nucs stocked with grafted queens from 45+ year old stock.

Offering: 5 frame medium nucs; Italian hybrid bee stock

Back Forty Bees

Regional Supplier

Back Forty Bees, located in Williamsburg, VA, specializes in raw, chemical-free, high-quality honey, bees, and bee related products.  We are family owned, providing local Virginia raw honey, bees (local nucs and packages), equipment, and handcrafted hive-related products.

Offering: 5 frame medium nucs and 3lb package bees (March pickup); mated queens; Italian bee stock

Sourwood Branch Bee Farm

Regional Supplier

At Sourwood Branch bees we focus on raising quality bees with good genetics. We sell packages nucs and queens. cordovan, carnolian, VSH, caucasian, buckfast. and new river carnica which they breed from Sue Colby stock.

Offering: queens; packages and deep nucs

Coy Bee Company

National Supplier

As a Certified member of the Russian Honeybee Breeders Association (RHBA), Coy Bee Company offers pure bred Russian bees from ALL Russian lines.

Offering: Russian queens


National Supplier

For over 160 years Dadant and Sons has produced and sold the best beekeeping supplies & equipment available to beekeepers throughout the world. We offer the gear that you need to start your colony, care for it, and harvest its honey. We sell bee smokers, honey extractors, beekeeping clothing, beginner kits, and more.

Offering: complete beekeeping supplier

Starting your colony: any combination of a package, nucleus colony, or queen

Whether you are a new or seasoned beekeeper, there are a number of options available for obtaining bees - whether that’s for your first colony, to expand your apiary, or to requeen an existing hive.

The most common ways to purchase bees are in packages or nucleus (Nuc) colonies. Our suppliers offer a variety of options for every type of beekeeper.


Woodenware Suppliers